Sunday, August 14, 2011

Driving Miss Maisy

Remember when you were a kid and your parents would drive you around, then during the car ride you would start to get car sick.  "Daddy, can you pull over, I don't feel good!!!"

 Now, being a dog owner, do you think dogs get car sick?   We often see dogs sticking their heads out the window, hanging out in the back of a pick up truck, or sitting in the lap of the driver ( which of course is definitely not recommended, unless of course you are Britney Spears or Paris Hilton ). 

Dogs do get motion sickness, depending on the breed of course, there are medications a dog can take to prevent sickness either by car or air.  As for Maisy, she hasn't gotten sick yet, thank God.  Maisy loves long journeys, either to shores of Maryland or even a quick trip to Manhattan to see her owners family.  When Maisy was a pup, she would curl up into a ball and wait til we got to our final destination.  Now, Maisy, along with a human passenger also in the backseat, she will stretch out her limbs as if she owned the entire back seat.  Maisy will rest her head on your lap, or will be lying in the most unusual position, as if she was in a comatose state.

Driving your pet can have its benefits but it may also have it drawbacks.  Dogs may seem impatient when driving around, always wanting the attention, barking in your ear or maybe even releasing a few, making you open the window.  Like Maisy, she will stare out the window, not exactly sure what she sees, but knows it's not the same as being stuck inside during a nice day. A close family member has a Labradoodle, and when they travel to the Maryland shore, their dog "Clarence" is a real busy body.  Besides wanting all the attention to play in the minivan, "Clarence" has the tendency to breathe heavy and slobber on the car seats.  As a puppy, "Clarence" was a cute ball of fur, now being almost 7 years old, he is very devoted to their owners and loves playing with kids.  For those who may be allergic to dogs, the Labradoodle is ideal for families for those who may have allergic reactions from other breeds.

So remember, when travelling with your pet, do not feed him or her 1 hour before the car ride.  Leave a blanket from her bed in the backseat along with her special toy, so they know they are going some place fun.

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