Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Goose Is Loose!!!!

Lets call you Gertrude!  Now here's something you don't see every day, well in my case I do.  For the last couple of days, "Gertrude" here has been wandering around Brooklyn Bridge Park.  The only logical explanation is that "Irene", blew her off course and separated her from the rest of the flock, assuming heading south.

When Maisy first caught a glimpse of "Gertrude", she didn't know what to make of it.  Maisys' deductive reasoning: Well, it's too big to be a pigeon, the neck is too long to be a cat, can I eat this new creature that walks away from me?  Each time Maisy and I take a stroll to the park, "Gertrude" is there leaving her unmistakable droppings on the lawn and walkway paths, in any case, Maisy loves to chase the winged bird we call Gertrude.

This morning, sure enough, "Gertrude" was there eating the grass and Maisy wanted another stab at "Gertrude" trying to see if she can catch it.   Maisy wasn't the only one eyeing "Gertrude", both a Yorkie and a Pug had it sights set on catching the bird, unfortunately these dogs had a huge disadvantage, they don't own a pair of wings!!!  Being a modern-Brooklyn citizen that I am, I went looking for a member of the NYC Parks Dept.  A woman working for the Dept., who usually stands guard, watching the goings on, was not around to be notified of the new tenant to the park. 

When I arrived home, I started to figure out, who should I call to notify that the bird may be injured, etc....  I went ahead and called The Humane Society of New York.  They directed me to The Department of Enviromental Conservation, where I had to leave a message, a few minutes later, I received a call, the woman on the other line said that, there shouldn't be any concern regarding the goose, he/she will find its way back.  So I guess you can say, I was a little relieved.  Plus, Maisy will get another crack at catching "Gertrude".

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Don't Forget To Have Your Dog.....Spayed or Neutered"

    Taken from a segment of "Family Guy"

The famous last words ( Title Subject ) from Bob Barker after each taping of The Price Is Right.  Bob Barker, for many, many years was the spokes person for the ASPCA and he would always remind us to have your dog or cat spayed or neutered to control the pet population.  Now it's time for my Maisy to go under the knife.

Maisy spent a few hours at Cheeky Dog yesterday and one of the staff members mentioned that she got into some small scuffles with other dogs, male dogs that is.  Apparently, some of the male dogs has taken a fancy to Maisy.  Maisy just turned 7 mos. old, and I've been waiting for her to go into heat, so she can get spayed.  Dr. Neuman, Maisys' Vet, mentioned that Boxers usually go into heat 'round 9 mos. of age, but it seems as if, she has reached puberty a wee bit early.  So in a week, Maisy will be having her surgery, she will be at the vet all day, I hope it will all go as planned.  Please wish her luck, cards and balloons will not be
necessary.  I dread to see Maisy with a Lampshade around her neck, luckily she will not have to wear one.

She will not know what will be going on, but with the anesthesia, she will be in a deep sleep, and have no idea what is going on with her.  I hope her puppy mentality won't disappear.

Thanks Bob, for controlling the population.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Do Our Dogs Appreciate Art, Like We DO ?


"The World In Pieces"

As you can see, the Brooklyn Bridge Park has been adorned with new sculptures along the paths starting and ending at the Plymouth St. entrances.  Locals and tourists alike take pictures, read the marked bricks informing us what each piece of art is called and determine our own views of what each each work of art means.

Though dogs only see in black & white, they approach these works of art and probably figure, it's just another useless object that does not interest me, or let me sniff it, because they may think another dog has stopped by to leave their mark.  The pieces above represent images of everyday life, but from a dogs perspective, they don't give out commands, or put out their hand to feed them.

There is too much going on around them to determine what these objects are.  Their owners will stop by, like I did this morning and take pictures.  In this day in age, the park is kept rather clean, orchestrated by the men in blue, no not the NYPD, but the crew from "Ready, Willing & Able".  So lets hope vandals won't desecrate what the artists spent months designing and working on for their finished product.

So go out there and support the arts! ( I was talking to the dogs )

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Canine Predictions

With the recent Earthquake felt by Millions on the eastern seaboard, did your dog predict it was coming?  My dog Maisy, did not sense it, in fact she was napping.  If and when another earthquake does happen, I hope Maisy can let me know in advance.  She wasn't affected at all by it, she may have thought it was me moving around the bed.  Below is an article, asking if dogs can sense an incoming earthquake, after you read it, then you can decide for itself.

13. Mar, 2010 
 The recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, and the tsunami in Indonesia a couple years ago, begs the question, can dogs sense earthquakes and other natural disasters?
From a scientific perspective, the evidence is inconclusive about whether or not a dog can sense and predict earthquakes and other natural disasters, but some people believe that dogs and other animals are good at predicting such dangers and are able to warn us minutes before before an earthquake is about to occur.
For hundreds of years people have believed that dogs, cats, and other animals have abilities to predict earthquakes. And that trend has continued today.

In 2003, a doctor from Japan,  Kiyoshi Shimamura, claimed that public health records indicated an unusual increase in dog barking just before the 1995 earthquake hit Kobe. However, seismologists are reluctant to accept behaviors like that as conclusive evidence that dogs are able to make predictions about natural disasters. Especially since several studies have already been attempted to understand the behavior of dogs before an earthquake.

In another example, some people claim that earthquakes can be predicted by looking for an increase in the number of missing pet ads in areas prone to earthquakes. The theory suggests that dogs and others pets will leave an area before an earthquake hits, resulting in an increased number of missing pets. Once again, research studies have show that there is no correlation to support these claims.
On the other hand, many people have commented on a surprising lack of animal carcasses after the tsunami hit Indonesia. They suggest that the animals somehow sensed the coming disaster and left the area before the tsunami hit. One theory for this reaction is that animals can sense vibrations and tremors underground prior to a natural disaster occurring, so they up and leave.
However, I think this would more be an extension of a dog’s normal senses rather than some sort of magical sixth sense able to predict an impending natural disaster.

It must be said that dogs do have some senses that are more sensitive than human senses. So, it is possible that they may be able to detect smells, sounds, and vibrations before we are able to tell that something is happening. It is also true that dogs can predict certain things, like that a seizure is about to occur. However, in examples like these, the dogs seem to be detecting certain physical and chemical signs before they can be picked up by humans.

Dogs also seem to be able to use their senses in other unusual and often extraordinary ways as well. There are countless stories of dogs finding their way home after traveling hundred of miles. So it seems possible that dogs may indeed be able to use some combination of natural survival instincts and their senses to tell that we are about to experience some type of natural disaster.

Whether or not you agree that dogs can sense earthquakes and other natural disasters, there is one important truth to be told. Dogs play a crucial role in many search and rescue missions in the aftermath of a natural disaster. They are also used to locate the bodies of loved ones so that they can be laid to rest. Without the keen senses of these wonderful and highly skilled dogs, the job would be much more difficult.

So hats off to both dogs and handlers who work tirelessly in these natural disasters to save who they can, and recover those that they can’t.

Remember, one of the best things you can do is to make proper disaster preparations before they occur.

How about you, do you think dogs can sense earthquakes and other disasters?
Omar Reyes

While we are on the topic of natural disasters, do you have a first aid kit ready for your dog in case something happens? You can get a good one here –

Can Dogs Sense Earthquakes

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Is Your Dog Photogenic?


 Is your Dog Photogenic?  D.U.M.B.O. BARKS wants your dog picture in hardcover!  DUMBOs population has a large percentage of dogs living amongst the tall high-rise apartments and brownstones.  I am spreading the word to have all the dog owners of DUMBO and Vinegar Hill send in their best profile Dog Picture for a new book of the same name.

Please send in your picture to, please include a small bio of your dog, as you may have already done on, or other pet websites.

I look forward in seeing your pets, no deadline has been set yet, but I will wait til I get as many pictures as possible before starting the book.


Friday, August 19, 2011

All Streets Lead To DUMBO

So how many times have you seen tourists take a picture of this exact shot?  As you can see, the picture wasn't take yesterday.  The streets are being dug up, but they are also being replaced with newly organized cobblestones, making DUMBO look like it did back in it''s hay day.

The difference between now and its hay day is that, no matter where you look, dogs are everywhere!  Anywhere from 2 Great Danes, to tiny Chihuahuas, dogs have become a staple of the neighborhood and more are being adopted as we speak. With the two parks along the East River, The Vinegar Hill Veterinary Group and Pet web Express, what more could a dog or dog owner ask for. With the apartment building "100 Jay", there must be over 30 dogs living the good life, though they are not able to see the breathtaking views that we see due to their small stature. From a dogs point of view, they are extremely happy.

Though many dogs that you see on the streets are not from D.U.M.B.O., they are commuter dogs. Their owners carry them in their Sherpa carry-on bags and bring them to work. It's thoughtful that many companies in the area allow dogs in their office environment, making their employees just as happy to spend time with them. 

We love DUMBO and our dogs and we are lucky to have the "Ready, Willing & Able", The Doe Fund, Inc., cleaning up the streets of DUMBO, but as a reminder, dog owners should also pick up what their dogs leave behind. An article was published in the NY Times last year, that after the huge Blizzard we had last year, a Brooklyn resident noticed the amount of deposits left behind once ths now melted. Mayor Bloomberg and the OEM Team dropped the ball with the Dept. of Sanitation during the height of the storm, we can blame him for the way our streets looked once everything was almost back to normal. Just because your dog is walking ammong the huge mounds of snow, doesn't mean that their deposits can be left there to melt away with the snow. It doesn't work that way, please make sure you clean up after your dog.

Have a Pleasant Weekend.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cats vs Dog (Maisy)

If you are not familiar with the neighborhood of Vinegar Hill, then you haven't seen the Buddhist Temple on the corners of Front & Gold St.s  The Buddhist Monks who do live inside the Temple are a peaceful bunch, they do wear the typical garb, if not known of their wardrobe, think of the Dalai Lama.  A small tidbit of info, a few weeks back the Temple was turned into a Tiki-style bar set in Bangkok, Thailand of the 1960's for the filming of the yet to be released "Pan Am" TV show.

Ever since Maisy had her first encounter with the feline species, she has the determination to catch one!  Unfortunately, Maisy doesn't know that their hiss is just as bad as their bite.  So, the Buddhist Temple, has a few non paying residents, 2-3 almost all black cats living among the thicket of trees up against the brightly colored yellow walls.  When she goes out, she makes a beeline for the Temple, hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the cats.  In recent weeks, Maisy will peek her head through the column staring at one of the cats, who's hissing did not deter her from leaving.  That's where I come in, I would let her poke her head through a column, but once the hissing starts, that's the signal to leave immediately.  A few weeks back, one of the monks shooed the cats away, claiming that they are not wanted there anymore.  For months, it was a peaceful sanctuary for the cats, but with the empty cans of cat food. dirty water bowls and often seen cat food strewn out onto the sidewalk, you know they are no longer welcome.

A house near Evans St. is also home to 3 black cats, I'm guessing the cats from the Temple have a summer home near the Naval Mansion.  These cats are taken care of by the "cat lady" that lives on Evans St.  The exact space on Evans St. is really an eyesore, the trees and underbrush is gotten out of control.  There is a black car, do not know the make or model, but the back windshield is covered in black duct tape.  The 3 black cats will sit atop of the car and chill until they have a desire to leave or when they see Maisy stick her nose through the fence.  Maisy will soon enough get her close encounter with the feline species, and it will come at a price, right to the Veterinarian.

Below is an excerpt I copied from: "Dog Owner's Guide (On line Magazine): Fighting Furry Furries"

Are they enemies?

The idea that dogs hate cats may have been born because dogs chase cats and grew because cartoons depicted ongoing battles between the two species. Or it may have been generated because some dog people strongly dislike cats and some cat people disdain dogs. However, dogs and cats can live peaceably as long as owners understand the behaviors of each.

Both dogs and cats are predators. Cats pounce on anything that moves — mice, butterflies, birds, grasshoppers, and feathery toys waved on the end of a stick. Dogs chase anything that moves, especially if it squeals, hisses, or otherwise mouths off. If the cat triggers the dog’s prey drive, the dog will chase. If a medium-to-large dog catches the cat, it can easily kill it by grabbing and shaking.
Kittens and young cats practice their hunting skills on people feet, curtains, bedspreads, plants, and dog tails. They hide under chairs and tables, dart at the “prey” hissing and spitting and clawing, and hurry away, sometimes with jerky jack-knife movements or agile leaps and bounds, sometimes with breathtaking grace and beauty. Dogs often bristle at such challenges, leading to a merry chase through the house or yard. Households with both species of pets can solve this problem by keeping them separated if necessary.

In some cases, a resident cat will isolate itself when a puppy is added to the family. In other cases, cats and dogs never get used to each other. In still other cases, cat or kitten and dog or puppy play together and build a friendship that finds them curled up together in a crate or bed and drinking out of the same bowl. The type of relationship developed in each household depends on the personality of the animals and the understanding of the owners.

What's In A ( Dog )Name?

Fido, Tinker Bell, Princess, Marley, Olivia, Ali, Rocky, Lucy!  What's In A Name?  At what point does the owner pick out a dog name, prior to deciding the breed of dog, the sex of the dog, or does he or she decide from the mainstream?

Within the last 2 months, while walking Maisy ( a purebred Boxer ), I was stopped by two people, one in Manhattan and another during the film shoot of "Boardwalk Empire" in Vinegar Hill.  Ironically enough, both of them want to get a Boxer and you guess it, they wanna name him  "Ali, you know, like Mohammad Ali".  I couldn't help but to laugh under my breath.

Though Ali is still alive and his legacy is still strong, there is a new throng of same named dogs.  I think, the most familiar name within the last couple of years is "Marley", from the movie "Marley & Me".  It's a great family movie, especially for those who own Yellow Labs.

For those people that like to fancy themselves after celebrities, they can be seen carrying their dogs, where ever they go.  The perfect example is Paris Hilton, with her Chihuahua "Tinker Bell", I mean, come on already, she doesn't treat it as a pet, but merely an accessory.  Next thing you know, the dog will have its own Louis Vuitton Bag, actually I think she does, it's a mini handbag that holds her baggies for when she needs to go!!!

When naming your dog, it should be a fun name, nostalgic, sentimental and even original.  So, tell me your dogs name and let's see if these names will eventually phase out the really stupid ones.  Enjoy your walks.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Recess for Dogs - Brooklyn Bridge Dog Run Part 2

I recieved a response from the Office of Marty Markowitz, the Brooklyn Borough President, see below:

"Dear David Bennett,

Recently you contacted Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz regarding the poor conditions of the Brooklyn Bridge Park dog run located at Adams and Plymouth Street in DUMBO.  I have forwarded your comments to the Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation, the entity that maintains the park.   I will forward you any response I receive back.

 In addition, park renovations such as the East River Waterfront dog runs are known capital budget projects and are funded through allocations by local elected officials.  Typically, it is community groups such as active dog owners associations that apply for the funds.  If you would like more information on applying for Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz’s capital budget funds, please contact Andrew Steininger at "

From the office of:
Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz
209 Joralemon Street Brooklyn, NY 11201

"Ready, Willing & Able" - The Doe Fund, Inc.

Their Mission Statement

"The Doe Fund's mission is to develop and implement cost-effective, holistic programs that meet the needs of a diverse population working to break the cycles of homelessness, addiction, and criminal recidivism. All of The Doe Fund's programs and innovative business ventures ultimately strive to help homeless and formerly incarcerated individuals achieve permanent self-sufficiency."

Meet Walter W.

I first met Walter back in April of 2011, after I brought Maisy home for the first time.  Walter is a member of the "Ready, Willing & Able" Program, he can be seen up and down Front Street, making sure the streets of DUMBO are clean. 

Walter is not your typical hard worker, he has memorized the names of over 30 dogs in the neighborhood.  Walter has been with the program for almost a year now, he has taken the necessary and critical steps to better his life and looks forwards to the rewards down the line.  Walter, being apart of the men in blue ( not the Smurfs) take the time each and every day to beautify the neighborhood.  The 2nd time I met Walter, he knew Maisy's name right off the bat and ever since then, he has written down the names of all the dogs on his route.  Not too long ago, I emailed the Dir. of Human Resources commending on his hard work. 

These guys in blue, are a fixed staple in our community, though some seem to take more rests than others, DUMBO & Vinegar Hill are cleaner then ever before.

So if you see Walter W., rolling his blue garbage can on the street, say Thanks for a job Well Done!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Your Loveable Dog Is Not Welcome Here, But Some Are!


Of course mans best friend cannot enter any establishment that serves food, but other businesses in DUMBO allow dogs with an open heart.  All of the top restaurants in DUMBO/Vinegar Hill will not allow dogs, due to the NYC Department of Health Rules & Regulations.  Thankfully, the summer months have been grateful to many dog owners.  The newly re-opened wine bar and The Lobster Pound at Pier 1 are outside venues where there are no restrictions to dog patronizing the business.  Other locales include Pedro's Mexican Restaurant and 68 Bar, both on Jay street allow dogs in and around their striving businesses.  

Places also in D.U.M.B.O. that DO allow dogs are J's Liquour & Wine Store on Jay St., Chase Bank, D.U.M.B.O. Hardware ( the proprietor has a gorgeous male Rottweiler ), Bridge Cleaners and  The Bridge Apothecary.  If you know of others, please include.

*** Please read if you walk your dog around Cadman Plaza Park West***

This excerpt was forwarded to me by my sister, who lives in DUMBO, where they receive building notices regarding the welfare of the tenants and pets alike.  ***Very Important***

Title: Attn dog owners- unposted rat poison in Cadman Plaza
I saw this entry in the Brooklyn Heights blog....just a heads up to be aware and keep a close eye on your dogs in CP, they seem to be leaving open bags of rat poison around.

A friend of mine had taken her dog to Cadman Plaza Park (entrance at Cadman Plaza West and Clinton Street off of Tillary). There was an opened bag of Rat Poison. She did the remedy for her dog and hopefully and most likely the dog will be fine. However she did call the city and also went back and removed the bag. Please be advised that there may be sprinkles of the rat poison on the lawn there… without any signs stating that rat poison has been put down. Very careless act…so please CURB your dogs!!!….
The only thing I was told is that the owner had seen it on the entrance on Cadman Plaza (closest to Clinton Street). There is another entrance that is on Tillary but I am sure it was close to the first entrance I just mentioned. Also she did call the city and they were going to look into this and she removed the bag.
(posted under "Topics > General" by Christine Barker on Wednesday, August 10, 2011 8:24 AM

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Driving Miss Maisy

Remember when you were a kid and your parents would drive you around, then during the car ride you would start to get car sick.  "Daddy, can you pull over, I don't feel good!!!"

 Now, being a dog owner, do you think dogs get car sick?   We often see dogs sticking their heads out the window, hanging out in the back of a pick up truck, or sitting in the lap of the driver ( which of course is definitely not recommended, unless of course you are Britney Spears or Paris Hilton ). 

Dogs do get motion sickness, depending on the breed of course, there are medications a dog can take to prevent sickness either by car or air.  As for Maisy, she hasn't gotten sick yet, thank God.  Maisy loves long journeys, either to shores of Maryland or even a quick trip to Manhattan to see her owners family.  When Maisy was a pup, she would curl up into a ball and wait til we got to our final destination.  Now, Maisy, along with a human passenger also in the backseat, she will stretch out her limbs as if she owned the entire back seat.  Maisy will rest her head on your lap, or will be lying in the most unusual position, as if she was in a comatose state.

Driving your pet can have its benefits but it may also have it drawbacks.  Dogs may seem impatient when driving around, always wanting the attention, barking in your ear or maybe even releasing a few, making you open the window.  Like Maisy, she will stare out the window, not exactly sure what she sees, but knows it's not the same as being stuck inside during a nice day. A close family member has a Labradoodle, and when they travel to the Maryland shore, their dog "Clarence" is a real busy body.  Besides wanting all the attention to play in the minivan, "Clarence" has the tendency to breathe heavy and slobber on the car seats.  As a puppy, "Clarence" was a cute ball of fur, now being almost 7 years old, he is very devoted to their owners and loves playing with kids.  For those who may be allergic to dogs, the Labradoodle is ideal for families for those who may have allergic reactions from other breeds.

So remember, when travelling with your pet, do not feed him or her 1 hour before the car ride.  Leave a blanket from her bed in the backseat along with her special toy, so they know they are going some place fun.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Beautiful Morning

As I took Maisy along her usual route to the Brooklyn Br. Park, we came across yet another film/TV/photo shoot being constructed, where this old blue beat up car was adorned with a colorful arrangement of potted flowers within the engine and sunflower like flowers inside the car where the windshield would be, on John st.

We made our way to the grassy knoll, where Maisy loves to play tug-o-war with her rope-like leash until she gets tired.  Soon after, we continued to Pier 1, passing by the tantalizing aroma from "Almondine",you would think that you were strolling along a cobbled street in a town in France, it smelled so good.  Up ahead was an older male Boxer, unsure of the name, but neither dog seemed interested in meeting again.  Once we arrived at Pier 1, Maisy was looking for a sprinkler system where she could get a quick drink of water. Unfortunately, there were none around, and Maisy had to wait til we got home.

As we headed back home, Maisy seemed to have an inkling, that we were headed to see the vet at "The Vinegar Hill Veterinary Group".  And I thought dogs hated the vet, not Maisy though, she likes to see the staff there, meet other dogs and of course a doggie treat.  Once we got back home, Maisy plopped down for a nap, dreaming of running in the dog run.

Just came back from another walk, Maisy led me down Hudson Ave to Evans St. where there is a feline community that hide in the thicket next to the Naval Mansion on Little St.  Upon arriving the "cat lady" was bickering to someone about parking on the street or how many times "Boardwalk Empire" is taking over the streets for their HBO series.

It's a great sunny day, enjoy it while you can.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Recess for Dogs - Brooklyn Br. Park Dog Run

The Brooklyn Bridge Park is a well manicured playground for the young and old.  With breathtaking views of the Financial skyline of Lower Manhattan, the Brooklyn Bridge ( which is now under extensive construction ), the yet to be opened "Jane's Carousel", and the under belly of the Manhattan Bridge, one can enjoy the tranquil setting away from the hustle and bustle of the DUMBO roadway construction.

As seen above, the dog run under the Manhattan Br., at any given day, an overwhelming amount of dogs can be seen running amok on the dirt and mulch filled, fenced playground for "man's best friend".  Run by the Parks Dept. of NYC, the park is slowing becoming a mud pit.  Right outside the gated area is a large mound of mulch, from what I was told, volunteers/dog owners are the ones who replace the mulch.  Too many dog owners dismay, no one has chipped in to cover the dirt that encompasses the run.  Don't get me wrong, my dog Maisy loves it there, she literally runs laps around the south side trees to the north side fence and back again.

During rainy days, the dirt turns into mud and the run is usually avoided at all costs.  Back in early July, my girlfriend and I took the East River Ferry to the seaport and as we approached Fulton st., we noticed a Brand New Dog Run, called "The East River Waterfront Dog Run".  There is a "YouTube" video of Mayor Michael Bloomberg commemorating the new esplanade and new dog run.  The new dog run is 100% in the shade, has a small wading pool with sprinkler, also there is an over sized squirrel and dog bone, plus a great view of the Brooklyn & Manhattan bridges.  There is no dirt or mulch underneath the feet, so it is a healthier alternative for the dogs to play on.
Another dog run in Brooklyn can be found in Brooklyn Heights, via Columbia Heights, right next to one of the many buildings occupied by "The Watchtower" organization.  This dog run is about five times the size of the one underneath the Manhattan Br., and in a funny way, it is just as noisy from the traffic of the B.Q.E. ( Brooklyn - Queens Expressway ).  The small bonuses of this dog run is that there is plenty of shade, a small kiddie pool, though I wouldn't let Maisy inside (figure a kiddie pool at a waterpark with all the germs and bacteria that may be floating around inside) plus two water fountains made especially for dogs.

In any case show your support for the Brooklyn dog runs, if anyone has a friend on the inside or close to the Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, ask for a new renovated Brooklyn Bridge Dog Run.  And as Bob Barker would always say, "Dont forget to have your dog spayed or neutered"  Have a pleasant day All.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our Neighborhoods

Living in the shadows of the Brooklyn & Manhattan Bridges, DUMBO/Vinegar Hill are idealistic neighborhoods to raise a puppy or an adopted dog from the ASPCA. Not being to sure, but there seems to be over 80 dogs living amongst the old converted warehouse buildings and new developments in this ever popular part of Brooklyn.

Among the small boutique stores, local restaurants and other businesses in the area, there is only one local pet store. "Petweb Express", caters to most pets, they have an array of specialty foods for both dogs and cats and have most needed supplies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle for your pet. There used to be another pet store in DUMBO, but they have since closed due to the lack of popularity.

Another great convenience in DUMBO is our own Veterinarian. "The Vinegar Hill Veterinary Group".  They have been pleasantly located on Front Street since March of 2008.  Dr. Sara Neuman and her staff, take great care of all  the pets that literally run in their doors.  I have never seen a dog shy away from the glass doors, even my Maisy, she always wants to go inside and get a check-up even though she doesn't need one.  I think it's because of the cats and a ferret that take up a permanent residency there. About two months ago, a local resident brought in a dog that had escaped from its owners apartment and found wandering around the streets of Brooklyn Heights.  Around the same time, I was in Brooklyn Bridge Park, when the actual owner was frantically looking for her "Olive". The VHVG, took the Golden Doodle in until the owner could be found.  A picture was put on Facebook and a Brooklyn Heights blog also advertised that a dog had been found.  A few hours later, both "Olive" and her owner were reunited.  The staff at VHVG, go out of there was in making sure all pets are treated with the utmost decency.

What would a great neighborhood be without a great doggie daycare. That's what "Cheeky Dog" is all about!  "Cheeky Dog" is the home away from home for dogs whose owners are business professionals that do not have a dog walker or are unable to get back home to walk their dogs themselves. Centrally located in DUMBO, there are two large rooms for the dogs to run around in and even cubicles for those dogs that are boarded when their owners are away. Richelle Carlisle and her dedicated staff oversee the 1,800 square foot space, she spends most of her time observing the dogs running around during playtime and will even walk your dogs from the owners home. My dog Maisy, spent ten days there, she had a great time, and I think separation anxiety made her lonesome the first couple of nights. She made a lot of new friends that she sees now in Brooklyn Bridge Park/Dog Run.  Richelle and her staff are always there to maintain a clean environment to play in or just catch some warm rays by the window.

No matter where you look at any given hour of the day, you will always see a proud dog owner walking the streets of DUMBO/Vinegar Hill with his or her pooch by their side for their daily walk. Our sibling neighborhoods of DUMBO/VH, will always be a playful haven for "Man's Best Friend".

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome Home Maisy

Maisy was born Jan. 26th 2011 from "Buckingham" & "Brea", both whom come from Champion blood lines.  Being an original "JerseyGirl", not like "Shnookie", Maisy is now a Brooklynite.  She was brought home on April 4th, a week after my birthday, and has been one of the best birthday presents I ever gave myself.  She has fit very well into her new surroundings and the new neighborhood of Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn, NY.