On January 26th, 2011 Brea ( pron. Bree ) gave birth to 6 gorgeous Boxer Puppies, 4 Fawns and 2 Brindles. On April 4th, 2011, one of these puppies came home with us, Maisy Bennett was a new member of the family. She only weighed 12 lbs.
Now a year later, Maisy weighs 51 lbs., I have never given her any human food, some gourmet doggie treats, but those did not agree with her. She has come along way, seeing the sights of Vinegar Hill, DUMBO, NYC, The Jersey Shore and the shores of Maryland. She has received all of her shots, got spayed, and of course her run in with internal bacterial infections. She is 100% healthy at this stage in her life and I do not want anything to hamper that for the rest of her canine life.
So being Maisy's Birthday Today, we gave her some new toys, both of which came from "Canine Styles", a high end pet store in NYC. May I remind you, they are pricey! Plus a balloon, tied to her leash. Her favorite color is RED, so I got her a balloon to tie to her leash. She is not familiar with the color red, nor does she know what a balloon is, she does seem terrified by this thing hanging above her, following her where ever she goes. It reminds me of the French Film made back in the 50's called "The Red Balloon".
So without further ado, here are pictures of Maisy with her new toys and her new Red Balloon.
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