Friday, January 13, 2012

D.U.M.B.O. Xmas Tree Graveyard

"Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree........."

 With the holidays being over for almost two weeks, we often wonder why does it take so long for the Xmas trees to be picked up. All along the streets of DUMBO & Vinegar Hill, Xmas trees are left in heaps along the sidewalks waiting to be picked up. Is it because the "Twelve Days of Christmas" weren't quite over? Or is it because Mayor Michael Bloomberg didn't act fast enough to remind the NYC Dept. of Sanitation of picking them up?

With the over-priced trees from Peas & Pickles and those personally cut down by Fathers & Husbands from Xmas Tree Farms,the trees were becoming an eye sore,as if the Sanitation Dept. was on strike. With the recent arson fires in California and here in the Boroughs,I am amazed that someone didn't torch the ones lying on the sidewalks. 

Here are examples left outside of the Delivery Entrance to 70 Washington St., DUMBO. My sister in fact lives in the building as well. This is looking down Front Street, towards Old Fulton Street.

This picture shows the other side of the massive heap of Xmas trees, the height of the trees surpasses the bottom of the upcoming STOP sign ahead. So you can imagine this must be at least 10 ft. high.

Thankfully, on my block in Vinegar Hill, the trees were removed sometime this morning. Leaving in its wake, tree needles, tinsel, broken ornaments and an occasional gift left by dogs, to which the owner did not pick after his/her precious pooch. My dog Maisy, did tend to grab a few small branches off our tree in the apt. when we had gone out for the evening. She learned that Xmas trees do not taste good, and provide no pleasure as if it were a play toy.

For all the dog owners that frequent the Main St. Dog Run, we all hope that they turn the Xmas trees into mulch and spread evenly for better sustainability for the dogs running amok during their playtime.

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