What Will 2012 Bring................
This year will be very busy for Maisy, myself & of course my Fiance' ( not Finance - inside joke ). First off, Maisy will be turning "1" year old on the 26th of January. She still has her usual antics, by sleeping on the couch when we're not home. During the holidays, she suffered from separation anxiety, which is weird, because she was fine in the past. Though, since we had a Xmas tree, she may have gotten scared and decided to get into the Xmas spirit a wee bit early. She may have thought the ornaments were for her, because they were shiny and at a height where she can pull them off the tree branches.
It was Maisy's first Xmas, so the gifts were in abundance, not just from us, but her Grandparents and other relatives. She had her goals set, attack toys at all costs until she gets the prize, well really the squeaker inside. I cannot count how many times I had to pick up the stuffing off the floor. Thankfully all of those toys have been destroyed!

Maisy will be spending some quality time at Cheeky Dog, her year round summer day camp. She will still drag me there even though there's no intention of her being there. "Richelle", the owner at Cheeky told me that during the new years, she friended a small Yorkie, where no one else would play with her. I thought that was so adorable for a boxer, as rambunctious as she is, has a soft side to for being a caring individual. Come the end of February, she will be spending a week as we go away to the BVI. Some much needed time away from the cold air of NYC. Then again in October as my Fiance' and I Tie The Knot!!!!!!!!!!
I hope to find employment with a Hospitality Company in NYC. For those who read this post is hiring in NYC in a restaurant or hotel, please don't hesitate to leave a comment and try and track me down for a job.
Also, this year prior to the wedding will be a lot of planning and organizing for the big day. We have the location set, our guests' list prepared and a strong idea of what we're looking to entertain the guests with during the festivities. However, the menu is a whole different story. I know what kinda food, I want, but my Fiance' can't decide. So we are waiting for menu samples from other weddings from the same location.
This summer we are also looking to rent a house in Montauk, NY. We may have something lined up, but we are waiting for more information. It will only be in August and spend two straight weeks out there, through Labor Day Weekend. So you can imagine how excited we are, especially how much Shannon, my Fiance' likes to spend time on the beach!!!! Literally, she can spend an entire day soaking in the rays, as for me, two - three hours is enough.
With the upcoming trip, the wedding plans and weekends at the ocean, it will be a very interesting year. And we couldn't really enjoy it without Maisy by our side throughout our new adventures of 2012!