Thursday, January 26, 2012

Maisy Bennett Turns 1 Year Old !!!!


On January 26th, 2011 Brea ( pron. Bree ) gave birth to 6 gorgeous Boxer Puppies, 4 Fawns and 2 Brindles. On April 4th, 2011, one of these puppies came home with us, Maisy Bennett was a new member of the family. She only weighed 12 lbs.
Now a year later, Maisy weighs 51 lbs., I have never given her any human food, some gourmet doggie treats, but those did not agree with her. She has come along way, seeing the sights of Vinegar Hill, DUMBO, NYC, The Jersey Shore and the shores of Maryland. She has received all of her shots, got spayed, and of course her run in with internal bacterial infections. She is 100% healthy at this stage in her life and I do not want anything to hamper that for the rest of her canine life.

So being Maisy's Birthday Today, we gave her some new toys, both of which came from "Canine Styles", a high end pet store in NYC. May I remind you, they are pricey! Plus a balloon, tied to her leash. Her favorite color is RED, so I got her a balloon to tie to her leash. She is not familiar with the color red, nor does she know what a balloon is, she does seem terrified by this thing hanging above her, following her where ever she goes. It reminds me of the French Film made back in the 50's called "The Red Balloon".

So without further ado, here are pictures of Maisy with her new toys and her new Red Balloon.
                                        HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAISY, WE ALL LOVE YOU

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Week That Was & Will Be.....

A Tumultuous Yet Exciting Week For Maisy

Last week, Maisy enjoyed another weekend at Cheeky Dog, so that her parents, David & Shannon could spend quality time with their own parents for the inaugural "Meet The Parents", prior to the Big Day in October, 2012. Maisy sometimes comes home with a cold, upset stomach, or a case of the Homesick Blues. In this case, it was all three! 

Maisy made yet another trip the VHVG, I thought she may have gotten Kennel Cough again, but Dr. P. ( Dr. Pizzilo ) informed me that was not the diagnosis. I did feel relieved to hear that.  But she did have a small cold.  Within recent  months, I switched Maisy's diet, a different "Iams" type of food. This made her a bit uneasy, so the vet again flourished me and Maisy with Flagyl, a Pepto-Bismol  type of medication for dogs. Since the Dr. knows all to well that Maisy's stomach is very sensitive we received extra pills for her, which was nice of them to do. Of course I did have to pay for extra, no worries there. It was a very busy Tuesday morning, especially after a long weekend, we were in and out without hassle.

This morning, Maisy woke up to her first snowfall of her life. She did get a glimpse of the white stuff last October during the freak storm, where many people in the 'burbs lost power for weeks on end.  Maisy basically just shrugged it off. Can a dogs sense of smell travel through snow? Usually, Maisy will sniff her way to her usual spots to relieve herself, but the 2" blanket of snow made it somewhat difficult to navigate. Eventually, she scoped out some new digs, if you would wanna call it that, and marked her new territory, not forgetting of course to track down the vagrant cats that co-habitate near by. 

Like all dogs they love the white stuff, even eating it, but just keep in mind Frank Zappa's line from one of his songs, "please don't eat that yellow snow". We took her to the Bkln Br. Dog Run, of course no one was in there, they were smart not to be outside. She did have fun chasing her squeaky ball on the newly filled mulch which was put in yesterday. On the way home I got worried about the salt affecting her paws, at some point today I will be getting her Paw Wax, for her paws. I heard it's a lot better than the balloons or the hi-fashion booties that you would buy at LL BEAN or the overpriced store of Paragon Sports, NY.

Maisy is resting comfortably, before she goes out again to Cheeky Dog, and spends another weekend with her furry pals. 

Tune in, next week, while celebrates her 1st Birthday, picture to follow. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

D.U.M.B.O. Xmas Tree Graveyard

"Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree........."

 With the holidays being over for almost two weeks, we often wonder why does it take so long for the Xmas trees to be picked up. All along the streets of DUMBO & Vinegar Hill, Xmas trees are left in heaps along the sidewalks waiting to be picked up. Is it because the "Twelve Days of Christmas" weren't quite over? Or is it because Mayor Michael Bloomberg didn't act fast enough to remind the NYC Dept. of Sanitation of picking them up?

With the over-priced trees from Peas & Pickles and those personally cut down by Fathers & Husbands from Xmas Tree Farms,the trees were becoming an eye sore,as if the Sanitation Dept. was on strike. With the recent arson fires in California and here in the Boroughs,I am amazed that someone didn't torch the ones lying on the sidewalks. 

Here are examples left outside of the Delivery Entrance to 70 Washington St., DUMBO. My sister in fact lives in the building as well. This is looking down Front Street, towards Old Fulton Street.

This picture shows the other side of the massive heap of Xmas trees, the height of the trees surpasses the bottom of the upcoming STOP sign ahead. So you can imagine this must be at least 10 ft. high.

Thankfully, on my block in Vinegar Hill, the trees were removed sometime this morning. Leaving in its wake, tree needles, tinsel, broken ornaments and an occasional gift left by dogs, to which the owner did not pick after his/her precious pooch. My dog Maisy, did tend to grab a few small branches off our tree in the apt. when we had gone out for the evening. She learned that Xmas trees do not taste good, and provide no pleasure as if it were a play toy.

For all the dog owners that frequent the Main St. Dog Run, we all hope that they turn the Xmas trees into mulch and spread evenly for better sustainability for the dogs running amok during their playtime.

Friday, January 6, 2012


What Will 2012 Bring................

This year will be very busy for Maisy, myself & of course my Fiance' ( not Finance - inside joke ).  First off, Maisy will be turning "1" year old on the 26th of January. She still has her usual antics, by sleeping on the couch when we're not home. During the holidays, she suffered from separation anxiety, which is weird, because she was fine in the past. Though, since we had a Xmas tree, she may have gotten scared and decided to get into the Xmas spirit a wee bit early. She may have thought the ornaments were for her, because they were shiny and at a height where she can pull them off the tree branches.

It was Maisy's first Xmas, so the gifts were in abundance, not just from us, but her Grandparents and other relatives. She had her goals set, attack toys at all costs until she gets the prize, well really the squeaker inside. I cannot count how many times I had to pick up the stuffing off the floor. Thankfully all of those toys have been destroyed!
Maisy will be spending some quality time at Cheeky Dog, her year round summer day camp. She will still drag me there even though there's no intention of her being there. "Richelle", the owner at Cheeky told me that during the new years, she friended a small Yorkie, where no one else would play with her. I thought that was so adorable for a boxer, as rambunctious as she is, has a soft side to for being a caring individual. Come the end of February, she will be spending a week as we go away to the BVI. Some much needed time away from the cold air of NYC.  Then again in October as my Fiance' and I Tie The Knot!!!!!!!!!!

I hope to find employment with a Hospitality Company in NYC.  For those who read this post is hiring in NYC in a restaurant or hotel, please don't hesitate to leave a comment and try and track me down for a job.

Also, this year prior to the wedding will be a lot of planning and organizing for the big day.  We have the location set, our guests' list prepared and a strong idea of what we're looking to entertain the guests with during the festivities. However, the menu is a whole different story. I know what kinda food, I want, but my Fiance' can't decide. So we are waiting for menu samples from other weddings from the same location.

This summer we are also looking to rent a house in Montauk, NY. We may have something lined up, but we are waiting for more information. It will only be in August and spend two straight weeks out there, through Labor Day Weekend. So you can imagine how excited we are, especially how much Shannon, my Fiance' likes to spend time on the beach!!!!  Literally, she can spend an entire day soaking in the rays, as for me, two - three hours is enough.

With the upcoming trip, the wedding plans and weekends at the ocean, it will be a very interesting year. And we couldn't really enjoy it without Maisy by our side throughout our new adventures of 2012!