Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dogs of The Week ~ The Twin Ibizan Hounds ~ Deimos & Phobos

Dogs of The Week - Meet Deimos & Phobos

Several weeks ago, while my puppy Maisy and I visited the Main St. Dog Run, we came across these gorgeous dogs who are twin brothers.  I have never seen this breed before in my entire existence on this earth. You will be astounded by their good looks and boyish charm. You could say that Deimos & Phobos are identical twins, though their personalities differ somewhat, as you will learn later on at the bottom of their pictures. Danny, the twins owner was kind enough to share the twins photos and their upbringing in all their splendid glory.

So, without further a do, may I present Deimos & Phobos

The twins at 8 weeks old, just hanging out, getting used to their new home. These guys can't stand be apart from each other.

Deimos had fallen asleep before he was about to go for a walk. Puppies lives are tough!

Phobos at 4 month asleep in the "cockroach" position.

These guys had their ears down as puppies, but slowly, the cartlidge firms up and their ears
stand up on their own.

Stretching before we go for a run? I have no idea why they are posing so well in this photo.


I can't walk from D.U.M.B.O. to Hillside Park without beng asked 10 times about Phobos & Deimos, my two Ibizan Hounds. These two brothers named for the moons of Mars, joined our family in early 2010, eight weeks after they were born in Delaware. Their breed is historically from the island of Ibiza in Spain, and not very common in the United States. They are SightHounds, so they are related to the Greyhounds, Whippits, Pharoah Hounds, Borzois, etc... They can run pretty fast, but they are bred to jump extremely high. They can often be seen racing around and jumping over picnic tables at The Hillside Park, situated between Brooklyn Heights and D.U.M.B.O., Brooklyn.

Having the two of them as puppies was a complete nightmare. Although we were warned by everyone, we just thought they were exaggerating. Our Lives became puppy-only for many months, and our social lives were dead during that time period. Training two dogs at the same time was much harder then we expected as well, but in the end, with a ton of work, it all came together nicely.

They are smart, sweet, playful and extremely loving dogs. They require a lot of excercise ( 2-3 hours/day ) and tons of attention. They are complete goofballs, and love to impress people. Although Deimos is far more athletic, he is also neutered. His brother Phobos however is going to get bred later this year, due to his non-needy and easy going temperament., perfect for bringing this breed from Ibiza to American Homes.

So, if you see them around D.U.M.B.O., they will surely want to play with your dogs and they love showing off their good manners in trade for a petting.

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